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[Cerberus – The Blue Flames] (Scepter’s Blue)

[Cerberus – The Blue Flames] (Scepter’s Blue)

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[Cerberus – The Blue Flames] (Scepter’s Blue)


Idea of the Product

[Cerberus– The Blue Flames] (Scepter’s Blue)

In the stillness it watches the unseen; with the coldfangs it guards the deep.


is the nefarious hound that guards the entrance ofthe underworld,

and is therefore called the hound of Hades.

In Greek mythology, it resides by the Styx,

guarding the entrance to the underworld, the realmruled by Hades.

(The dead shall be carried by the ferryman to passon the Styx before entering the underworld.)

Cerberus allows every soul to enter,

but let none to leave.

In Theogonyby the ancient Greek poet Hesiod,

it’s described that Cerberus has 50 heads.

In later art works, it’s mostly presented to have3 heads,

and so it earns the title of Three-headed Hound.

In addition, it’s said that Cerberus contributesto the inspiration

of Naberius, the demon ranked 24th in Lemegeton.

*The legend says that King Solomon made a pactwith Ba’al, the lord of demons,

and then gained the power of commanding all of thehellspwans,

making them to serve for him. In return,

he would give his own soul to Ba’al.

It’s said that among these demons,

in addition to the Seven Lords of Hell,

there are also the 72 aristocrats in hell whichpossess the greatest power,

known as the 72 grand demons in Hell.

He recorded all the summoning spells

and formed the writings as Lemegeton.

Under the imagination of the occultists,

Naberius has become a demon who knows allsorceries and knowledge.

According to legends,

he would teach the summoner correct grammar andrhetoric in detail,

helping them to find the lost honor

as well as making them once again earn therespects of the world.

- Prototype by Master Yung-Cheng from “DreamWorker”

- The “Hound of Hades” from Ancient Greek Epics

- Original Wolf Claw Interlacing by the Bard

This time, “Bard’s Whisper” is honored to invite

the figma creating master in Taiwan:

Master Yung-Cheng from “Dream Worker”

We’ve considered every detail

in the design of Cerberus, the center of gravitywhen wearing it, the carvings of the fur,

as well as the claws on rear side.

We send our special thanks to all partners inDream Worker

and invite everyone to visit their fan page formore of their works.


Bard’s Whisper: The Most Unique Original Ornament



Suggested Sizes: L-XXL for Males and XS-M forFemales


We suggest that you shouldmeasure the correct hand circumference. For example, if A’s hand circumferenceis 15.3cm, then he/she should choose the size of S (15cm). If B’s handcircumference is 18.8cm, then he/she should choose the size of XL (18cm).

Extra space has been considered by us, so you don’tneed to estimate extra space when measuring.

Hand-made Beaded Bracelet Series

Buy Two(Any Kind) Get One “Black Agate”

Eventsfor beaded bracelets in full colors are now on!

Pleasedirectly specify

thelength (cm) of the desired beads in full colors with the order.

We willproduce and deliver to you together!


 Get “Wonderful Dices” by Spending NT$ 3000 in one singlepurchase!

Link: Wonderful Dices

Get “Dragon Lord” which can only be obtained inthe event by spending NT$5000 in one single purchase!

DragonLord is not available in regular channel.

Epic of Sword and DragonDragon - Lord



Pure Brass, Black Picture Jasper, Amethyst, BlueTiger’s Eye


[Cerberus – The Blue Flames](Scepter’s Blue) Beaded Bracelet x 1
Elegant Package x 1

Warranty Card x 1























✳︎サイズ:男性(L-XXL) 女性(XS-M)







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